Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Accountant's Son

The Accountants Son

This photo took 3 years, okay not really but in a way, let me explain a little or a lot. 

For those who don't know us personally start reading here:
I have three children, My husband has one. When I met him I had my two girls and he immediately fell in love with them and welcomed them with opened arms. My husband had wanted a big family for many years and had in his words "had given up on the idea thinking it just wasn't meant to be".  I on the other had was done with having kids because basically its not for sissy's. Its a lot of work! A LOT of work.  
Over lunch one day my husband told me how for years he has dreamed of a little guy to toss a football with and to coach in a baseball league.  I began to realize that by choosing to marry me and loving my girls I have robbed him of having a child of his own. So I agreed to have another kiddo knowing what was in store for me, or so I thought. 
Shortly after we were pregnant. This pregancy was way worse than I remembered. I was exhausted to the point of being couch and bed ridden. It was like nothing I had experienced with my girls. I had pain and cramps and just kept saying I felt like something was wrong it just didn't feel right. As you can imagine something was wrong. We lost that baby and it was like my heart ripped and all the feelings of confusion and doubt came in. Did I cause this because I didn't originally want to be pregnant and go though all this again, did we force this and is this not God's will or plan for us. 
All of those thoughts and deep deep sadness came over us. 
We did a lot of praying and we did a lot of talking and decided we would not try again. 
Months passed and my husband and I decided to just have "the procedure". The conversation went like this. Me: its time you made the appointment. Him: yep your right, I'll call tomorrow. 
Tomorrow came and I was talking to my niece who had recently found out she was pregnant. She was telling me how she was feeling, all the symptoms (i'll spare you the details) and I laughed and said I feel like that too and I'm not pregnant. She said "I wish you were. Go take a test I bet you are, I hope you are."  We hung up with each other and I couldn't stop thinking about what she said. I had old test from the previous pregnancy so I said well if I have symptoms I should just check. 
Obviously the test was positive my husband was stunned and had mixed feelings, we both did actually,  as we had come to terms with a two child household. He's an Accountant and thinks in practicalities  and numbers and this was going to change our bottom line.

Those who do know us personally start reading here:
When we found out we were having a boy I immediately thought of photos with baseballs and footballs. Then when he was born He looks so much like my Husband that I knew I had to take a photo of our little Marshmallow for Daddy's office. So here they are! I hope you like them!

In the south you will sometimes have strangers (mostly older people) ask to take your baby, not sure where this started but when people ask if they can have him, I always say "Nope, I worked too hard for this one. " 

Okay Photography talk now. ( bet you thought I wouldn't get around to that)  I shot this in my garage. I used a board I purchased some time ago from Home Depot and covered it in Ledger Paper.  I had to ask if there was a kind of paper just accountants use. Luckily for me there was! The floor was purchased on Etsy some time ago. The Glasses are from Build a Bear! They do have lenses in them so you do have to watch out for the glare but if you move around a bit you can a photo without one. 

All in all the images took about 5 minutes to snap as marshmallow is very used to mom taking photos of him and he just kinda looks around. 

Needless to say, the entire Accounting Department at his building is in love with these photos. I have to say , I think they are super super cute!

Shot at ISO 800 (with one softbox) Garage door open on the side) 1/400 sec with my 50mm at 3.5 I could have taken my ISO down a bit but I don't get much noise with my  Canon 5D Mark iii. 

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